About Us

Premier Outcomes is a leading Digital solutions company providing world class solutions for our customers in Asia Pacific and across the globe. We leverage leading technology platform Neptune Software to provide rapid solutions for all your web and mobile application solutions.

We pride ourselves on always delivering the outcomes you require in a timely manner and with the most cost effective solutions. Leveraging the low code benefits Neptune provides we can guarantee to deliver better quality solutions in a shorter time frame than using traditional coding techniques.

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Our People

We provide an onshore/offshore model to deliver the best Outcomes for your company. Our Project Managers and Business Analysts are highly experienced in the Applications space and will work with your team onshore to design the best solutions. Our highly trained delivery teams are based offshore in Asia and will then work with the PM and BA to deliver the solution as designed in a quick efficient manner.

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Getting Started

To find out more, or to arrange for a demo or have us help you get a free trial version of the software, please email us at sales@premier-outcomes.com or fill in the form below. We look forward to working with you soon to show you what a difference a partner who believes in outcomes can make.

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Premier Outcomes prides itself on working with the leading low code solution in its space, Neptune Software. We work with both the SAP centric Neptune solution for those customers using SAP (www.sap.com) as well as Neptune DXP for customers who want the benefits of Neptune’s productivity but are not on the SAP Platform, Neptune Software’s leading low-code, SAP-centric, enterprise app development platform digitizes and optimizes business processes and user interfaces – at scale and with ease. The platform gives IT professionals the right tools to build the apps they need.We provide a fast, cost-effective, and future-proof way to industrialize the development of custom applications, turning your IT organization into an app factory – saving time and money on development, integration, and operations.

Neptune also created the Neptune DX Platform [short: Neptune DXP] to enable corporate IT teams to roll out enterprise and mobile apps at ease and maximum speed – empowering them to support your business needs. Turn your IT team into an innovation powerhouse. Give them the tools to drive business results and totally reimagine how you build and integrate enterprise apps, on desktop, mobile or offline. Experience a unified digital experience and boosts productivity across your employees, customers, and partners.